
喜剧  美国  1977 

主演:约翰·丹佛 乔治·伯恩斯 特瑞·加尔 




I was reminded of this wonderful gem of a movie the other night when I watched Bruce Almighty again with some friends. That's been a favorite of mine in these last few years. Anyway it reminded me a little of Oh God for obvious reasons, the references to God, and the thought provoking quality mixed with wit and intelligent comedy. Oh God was one of my favorite comedies growing up. It definitely is the kind of comedy that doesn't get made anymore unfortunately. I have yet to read the other reviews of this and hope to find some tens besides me, because while this was by and large a comedy, it was a delightful one and one that still lingers in my thoughts which is obviously why I decided to do a review. Comedies, when they are perfectly made, deserve 10's. This is a 10 and one of the most thought provoking and beautiful comedies ever made. I am sure there are many growing up now, whole hosts of people, who have yet to discover this and I hope they do, particularly those who are fans of Bruce Almighty and are not aware of this wonderful movie from the 70's.

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