萨霍 Saaho

动作  其它  2019 

主演:施拉达·卡普尔 帕拉巴斯 曼迪拉·贝迪 杰奇·史洛夫 


萨霍 Saaho电影剧情介绍

奇奇影院提供《萨霍 Saaho》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《萨霍 Saaho》迅雷资源,《萨霍 Saaho》高清在线观看,《萨霍 Saaho》完整高清未删减版,《萨霍 Saaho》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

The Story is about a power battle which is taking place in the higher echelons of power unrelated and unconnected episodes occurring in different parts of the globe, Intertwine in an unforeseen manner to a revelation of mind games. The story delves the audience into the game of a brilliant master mind to reveal the true nature of all that are involved. It challenges the perceptions of who is the hunter and who is the hunted. It blends in a thrilling story with commercial elements of story telling to deliver a high octane action entertainer appealing to all segments of the audience.

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